Inside the IEA Hunt Seat National Finals!

The Barn Management Team that Helps Bring it All Together

Riding in equestrian competitions of any discipline requires an important prerequisite: the actual horse on which to compete!

At most horse shows and events available to young riders, that means either owning a horse of their own or leasing one. Interscholastic Equestrian Association (IEA) shows, however, are an exception.

The organization, now open to students in grades four through 12, makes riding in hunt seat, western, and dressage competitions more accessible to many young riders, as competition horses are provided at all events. Competing riders show up to the event and randomly draw which horse they will be riding that day. For flat classes, they even enter the ring with no prior warm-up!

The IEA, now open to students in grades four through 12, makes riding in hunt seat, western, and dressage competitions more accessible to many young riders, as competition horses are provided at all events. Photo by Jump Media

But if the riders are not bringing all of their own horses, where do these magical, ready-to-show horses come from? And who is taking care of and managing them? And how do the riders know that the mount they are getting will be cooperative?

Our BarnManager team caught up with the barn manager and horse coordination team working seamlessly behind the scenes at the IEA Hunt Seat National Finals in Harrisburg, PA, on April 26-28, to learn more about what makes it all possible.

Hereā€™s an inside look at the process, from months before the show to the moment that the last horse ships out of the show!

Before it All Begins

Several months before the first horse arrived at the IEA Hunt Seat National Finals, barn manager Simon Towns ā€“ who has worked for the IEA for 15 years ā€“ spent a lot of time on the phone.

Part of her role as the barn manager for the Hunt Seat National Finals each year is searching to find the horses that she will ultimately manage at the Finals, and that means placing numerous calls to horse owners within the IEAā€™s network and in the area surrounding the finalsā€™ venue.

ā€œThis show is in April, so usually in January and February the initial calls are going out to people that you know just from having done it or from knowing the area,ā€ explained Towns. ā€œThis [yearā€™s Finals] happened to be in Zone 11, so we went to Zone 11 [in Pennsylvania and New Jersey] first, but weā€™ve also got some from New York, some from West Virginia.ā€

This year, 13 providers stepped up to the call, with a total of 72 horses coming to the Finals from universities and schools including Delaware Valley University, the Grier School (PA), Bethany College (WV), and Morrisville State (NY); independent owners including Megan Mendenhall; and riding schools and farms including Black Horse Stables (PA), Candy Lane Acres (PA), Briarwood Farm (NJ), Innova Riding Academy (PA), Stellar Riding (PA), Cavalier Farm (CT), Granite Springs (NY), and Serenity Farm (PA).

So that should be it than, right? The horses have all been acquired; their owners will bring them, and the IEA riders will pull a name from one of those 72, get on, and show! Not quite. This is where the management and coordination really begin!

Settling in at the Show

For this yearā€™s Hunt Seat National Finals, the horses arrived on Wednesday and Thursday morning, where they were greeted by Towns and horse coordinators including Ashley Wilson of Concord, GA, and Kathryn Bordua of Manchester, CT.

IEA horse coordinators Ashley Wilson (far left) and Kathryn Bordua (far right) with Morrisville State-provided mount, Pappy, Morrisville State rider Hannah Guindon, and IEA barn manager Simon Towns. Photo by Jump Media

After being unloaded ā€“ on a shipping schedule coordinated by Towns and the horse coordination team ā€“ the horses are led to their stalls, which have already been completely set up and bedded with shavings by that same team.

ā€œSimon does a lot of the pre-work, months ahead of the show, basically doing the barn format, how the stalls will be set up, how many providers need to go where, whoā€™s working with who, whoā€™s shipping in with who, organizing the shavings and things like that,ā€ explained Bordua. ā€œThen, Ashley comes in a couple of days ahead of time, and she and Simon work together to get the barn all set up.ā€

Once settled in their stalls, some of the horses come with owners or handlers to care for them, but others are generously donated for the weekend without a handler.

ā€œAt this show, we have some horses that were dropped off to us, so we do things like feeding in the morning,ā€ said Wilson in describing the various hats that the barn management team wears throughout the weekend. ā€œWe actually pick stalls for a lot of them and fill waters. Sometimes you have a provider who will bring seven horses but have one person, so you help out there.ā€

Competition Time: Maintaining an Even Playing Field

Once the horses are situated, Thursday is a full day dedicated to schooling, and for Bordua, Towns, and Wilson, evaluating the horses.

While the horse providers supply background information on each horse, it is up to Bordua, Towns, and Wilson to assess what division, or divisions, each horse is best suited for ā€“ which is no easy task and one that continues to evolve throughout the show weekend.

ā€œWe watch the schooling with information on what the providers say that the horses can do,ā€ said Towns. ā€œKathryn adjusts their duties appropriately within the show framework so that we can establish what we want the standards to be.ā€ They divide the horses into Beginner, Novice, Intermediate, or Open divisions.

Bordua added, ā€œI start by watching the horses go. I say to the horse provider, ā€˜Where do you want me to put this horse?ā€™ They tell me. Then we decide their suitability and their level appropriateness. Itā€™s a lot of watching them go around and saying, ā€˜We like this one over fences more, or I really like this one on the flat more. This one is better suited in Open because the playing field is more equitable that way.ā€™

ā€œYou also donā€™t want to put the tiny little peanut pony in the class with the big warmbloods,ā€ continued Bordua.

Skout, one of the adorable and well-behaved ponies used the IEA Hunt Seat National Finals. Photo by Jump Media

ā€œWhen the coaches look at the class, they want to see what appears to be even competition,ā€ added Towns.

After watching all of the horses go, Bordua and Wilson create a complex grid that details which horses will be used in what classes throughout the weekend, and the show begins! The start of the show, however, does not mean the end of the evaluating of the horses, and Borduaā€™s ongoing updates to the grid are frequent.

Wilson explained that the Open and Beginner levels were the most difficult to place horses in, as the Beginner horses need to be complacent with greener riders while the Open horses should have the ablility to let more experienced riders show off. Ā ā€œYou want the super fancy horses for the Open kids, but there are sharper edges to those horses,ā€ continued Wilson. ā€œThen the Beginner group has to go around and show well, but nothing is going to faze them. Itā€™s just hard to find.

At the end of the day, Bordua, Towns, and Wilson want all the riders to have a fair and fun competition experience, but perhaps even more importantly, they want the same for the horses.

ā€œOur job is also a lot of horsemanship,watching, and trying to assess a situation. I If we see the unraveling start to happen, we try to, at least for the horseā€™s sake, make sure that we make a decision before it actually becomes made for us,ā€ said Bordua.

ā€œWe all have the same basic goal of making sure the horses and the kids are well-matched and used appropriately,ā€ said Towns. ā€œWe all have that same philosophy.ā€

ā€œWe really have to think about the horsesā€™ mentality and safety,ā€ concluded Wilson. ā€œWeā€™re approaching the show from those 72 horsesā€™ standpoints, instead of ā€˜Letā€™s see what the kids want or what the coaches want.ā€™ Our side is, ā€˜What is going to make the horses happy and comfortable?ā€™ā€

Learn more about the IEA by visiting

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses,Ā and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

Five Ways to Master Your Show Ring Mental Game

Whether youā€™re about to jump a grand prix, ride a dressage test, enter a western pleasure class, or complete a 2ā€™ hunter course, thereā€™s a good chance that you know the feeling: that bundle of nerves or anxieties that leaves you sick to your stomach or tense in the saddle.

Or, maybe youā€™re as cool as a cucumber going into the show ring, but itā€™s after the class when a mistake has been made that the mental game gets the best of you, as you overanalyze and continuously critique yourself for the error. Or perhaps you find yourself struggling right in the middle of the class, with your mind wandering off to something that happened earlier in the day instead of focusing on the task at hand.

No matter what the particular struggle may be, equestrians everywhere are becoming increasingly aware and open about the importance of managing the psychological component of the sport. Weā€™ve gathered five tips from top riders that could help you do just that!

1. Develop a routine.

Adrienne Sternlicht frequently listens to books as part of her pre-class routine. Photo by Jump MediaĀ 

There are countless articles online about the benefits of a morning routine for productivity and performance, and the same can hold true when it comes to a show-ring ritual!

Show jumper Adrienne SternlichtĀ frequently listens to books (including chapters titled ā€œFearā€ and ā€œDesireā€ in the book Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D) as part of her pre-class routine, and that helped bring her a sense of calm before helping team USA earn gold at the FEI World Equestrian Games Tryon (WEG).

ā€œAll that routine does is bring comfort to uncomfortable situations,ā€ said Adrienne. ā€œI was so freaked out the first day at the [WEG]! I had no idea what to expect. I found comfort in being able to a) meditate and b) listen to books.ā€

Fellow show jumper Daniel Bluman says, ā€œRoutine is the most important thing that I think any athlete can go back to.ā€

Whether itā€™s taking a walk, meditating, napping, reading a book, grooming your horse, or polishing your boots, find a set of habits or rhythms that you enjoy and that help bring you to a place of calm and familiarity. They can help prevent you from anxiously having to overthink what to do next before you ride.

2. Know what works for you, and donā€™t be ashamed of it.

Once you find your routine, donā€™t be embarrassed or ashamed to stick to it even if it doesnā€™t make sense to those around you.

For instance, while Adrienne prefers to keep busy or immerse herself in meditation or audio books and couldnā€™t imagine sleeping, Daniel can often be found napping by the grand prix ring prior to his round, and Olympic dressage rider Kasey Perry-Glass likes to keep things light.

ā€œI was talking to a sports psychologist, and she asked me to think back to the best ride that Iā€™ve done and what I did to prepare for that best ride,ā€ explained Kasey. ā€œI said, ā€˜I think I was laughing in the barn and having fun.ā€™ Sometimes we think we have to be so serious and not crack a smile, especially for these team events. It has to be so focused, but sometimes focus comes in many forms. Luckily, I have teammates that love to joke around with me. The lighter I keep things the better I am in my head. Another girl on my team, loves to sleep; we have to wake her up. So, itā€™s interesting how everyone can be so different.ā€

Laura Graves, the number two-ranked dressage rider in the world says: ā€œI think itā€™s important to learn how you succeed: how you recharge, what drains you, and really how much you can tolerate.ā€

3. Recognize that you are not alone in your struggles.

Even Olympic riders and top professionals are speaking out more and more about their own fears, anxieties, and difficulties in mastering the psychological side of the sport.

Kasey recently shared, ā€œLeading up to the Rio Olympics, my horse got overfloated with his teeth. He wouldnā€™t eat; it was just horrible. After Rio, I went through a pretty big depression. At the end of 2017, I took a big break and started talking to a sports psychologist, just getting my mind right again. [That incident before Rio] took the fun out of riding. Mentally, I just was not prepared for getting shot up into the high-performance world and then having all these things happen to me and not knowing how to deal with them. So, I think itā€™s really important to learn to be mentally strong. I think itā€™s important to stay true to yourself and take care of yourself and your mind.

ā€œEven these big events that you go to, I try to think of it as a very small thing,ā€ continued Kasey of her routine now. ā€œBecause if it becomes too big in my head, it becomes overpowering. Then I canā€™t focus. Two hours before I start my preparation, I feel sick to my stomach. Iā€™m not nervous; Iā€™m just anxious. Once I start braiding and getting him tacked up and all of that, it goes away. Then after my warm-up I feel pretty secure. I trust my training; I trust my coach, and she sends me in having full confidence.ā€

For Daniel, a two-time Olympian himself, the struggle often comes in overthinking his last ride.

ā€œI do definitely dwell on mistakes. Itā€™s a constant battle. To say that after the competition Iā€™m not angry if I had a rail down, that would be a total lie,” Daniel says.

4. Try to avoid dwelling on mistakes or thinking about what could go wrong.

Daniel Bluman may glance a look back at the clock (pictured), but he is continuously striving to not spend excess time looking back at past show ring mistakes. Photo by Jump Media

Easier said than done, but by proactively and consciously striving to let go of mistakes and to focus on the positive scenarios, you are more likely to set yourself up for success.

ā€œWe compete a lot; we are all the time doing this, so [not dwelling] is something that Iā€™ve tried to master through the years,ā€ said Daniel. ā€œConstantly, every competition, every week, I try to be better and to dwell the least amount of time possible. I just go back, see what I did wrong, how am I going to correct it, and thatā€™s it. If I keep dwelling on it, then I start affecting the people that love me.

ā€œPeople donā€™t want to be around you when youā€™re in a bad energy all the time,ā€ continued Daniel. ā€œItā€™s important to bounce back from it. I know people say, ā€˜Ah look how seriously he or she takes it. Heā€™s been upset going to the gym 10 times a day because he lost that class.ā€™ I donā€™t think that makes you better or worse. There needs to be a balance between work and sport, especially in our industry where we compete until our 60s. If weā€™re going to take it that seriously, then weā€™re going to be dwelling from the time that we lost until the time that we win, weā€™re going to spend most of the year dwelling!ā€

Adrienne says, ā€œā€˜I donā€™t mind what happens.ā€™ ā€“ I love that phrase. Itā€™s sort of a yogi phase, and I love yoga. Itā€™s a sort of ā€˜I will still be here tomorrowā€™ mentality. Thatā€™s the nature of my program also. With [Adrienneā€™s trainer, Olympian McLain Ward], heā€™s very much of the mindset, ā€˜okay, tomorrow weā€™re still going to come back regardless of what happens, and work together, and we will also come back to address whatever those issues are and fall back on our program and move forward.ā€™ā€

5.Ā Remember why you are doing the sport in the first place.

We have shared this quote from Daniel on both our BarnManager social media and blog before, but it is one that will continuously hold true:

ā€œI try to focus on the reasons why I do the sport. I didnā€™t start riding because I wanted to win a five-star grand prix anywhere in the world. I didnā€™t even know that five-star grand prix existed. I didnā€™t start riding because I wanted to be the most successful rider in the history of the sport; I really just started riding because I loved horses. In times when Iā€™m really anxious or I feel my head is getting ahead of me, I just really try to remember that thankfully we work with horses and not with motorcycles or with cars. We work with actual animals that have this incredible power to give us that feeling of calm of peace.ā€

Have your own show ring mental strategies? Weā€™d love to hear them in the comments below!

Photos by Jump Media

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

501(c)(3) Feature: Saint Francisā€™s Sunny Side Up Farm Animal Rescue

Through our ā€˜Free for 501(c)3ā€™ program, our team at BarnManager has had the opportunity to learn more about incredible equestrian non-profit organizations from across the country. Each month, weā€™ll be featuring one such organization here on our blog!

In 2016, Michele Hughes spent nearly a month in the intensive care unit with a blood clot and pulmonary embolism. When she got out of the hospital, her husband bought her several chicks and brought the young chickens next to her bed.

It was a simple gesture, but for the life-long animal loving Hughes, it was enough to spark an idea. Hughes began raising chickens and taking in animals of all types at what became known as Sunny Side Up Farm in Lecanto, FL. Before long, Hughesā€™ reputation for helping animals had spread, and she and her husband began receiving calls asking if they could take in animals that were unwanted because of unfortunate situations or moves.

In April 2018, following the continued growth of Hughesā€™ rescue efforts, and with the help of her husband, mother, and daughter-in-law, Saint Francisā€™s Sunny Side Up Farm Animal Rescue was officially launched as a 501(c)(3) non-profit rescue organization.

ā€œOur goal is to positively change the relationship between people and animals, and one of our main focuses is on teaching children how to care for and have compassion for animals,ā€ explained Hughes, who runs the rescue with the help of three part-time volunteers.

Presently, Saint Francisā€™s Sunny Side Up Farm Animal Rescue is home to three goats, seven pigs, five rabbits, numerous chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, and cats, and 20 horses ā€“ enough that Hughes new she needed to find a solution for managing all of the information and medical records that went along with each horse.

ā€œI was looking for something to help me organize all of the horses; itā€™s so hard to keep everything written on paper,ā€ explained Hughes, who began looking in the iPhone App Store before coming across BarnManager.

Now, Hughes is able to use the software to manage the horses available for rescue, as well as her own gaited horses that are the backbone of Saint Francisā€™s Sunny Side Up Farm Animal Rescueā€™s fundraising efforts.

ā€œWe rely on donations, and for fundraising, we have been offering trail rides out in the Withlacoochee Forest,ā€ explained Hughes, who helps oversee up to six riders at a time on the daily trail rides through the beautiful forested landscape surrounding the rescue.

All of the funds raised through the trail rides go directly to helping the horses and the other animals being rehabilitated or available for rescue at Sunny Side Up Farm.

To learn more about supporting Saint Francisā€™s Sunny Side Up Farm Animal Rescue through trail rides in Lecanto, FL, visit their Facebook page here.

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses,Ā and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

Liv’s Tip of the Month – Avoiding Pasture Hazards

Liv Gude gives us some tips on avoiding common pasture hazards.

Now that spring is swinging, your horseā€™s world may have become a bit greener. Aside from the binge eating risks of all of that fresh salad, you should keep your eyes peeled for some pasture hazards that your horse may, or may not, avoid on his own.

If buttercups are something that cover your land, know that they are toxic to horses. Luckily, they also taste horribly, so most horses avoid them like the plague. However, horses will eat them if they have no other choices. So if you have a barren pasture except for some sparse patches of buttercups, you might want to add some hay for your horse to eat when heā€™s out.

Dandelions are not toxic, but they are super high in sugars which makes them delicious and tempting. Be wary of your metabolically challenged horse eating them. You might need to switch paddocks, limit turn out, or find another way altogether for your horse to get some turn out.

Also watch out for internal parasites. Pasture piles of previous poops often have worms just waiting to find a new host. If your horseā€™s pastures are not routinely picked out, you may want to double up on the number of fecal egg counts that you do.

Liv Gude, a former International Dressage Groom for years, founded as a way to unite Grooms in the horse industry. The educational website also serves to entertain and inform horse owners across all disciplines about horse care, grooming, and health. Click here to check it out!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses,Ā and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

A Quick Conversation: Nayel Nassar

Each month, the BarnManager team is sitting down with accomplished riders from across equestrian disciplines to learn more about how they got their start, their typical days, their biggest advice, and more! Weā€™re asking the same five questions and sharing their answers with you!

To say Egyptian show jumper Nayel Nassar has had some good results this past month is putting it pretty mildly.

On March 17, the 28-year-old rider and his longtime partner, Lordan, finished second behind two-time U.S. Olympic gold medalist Ā Beezie Madden in the AIG $1 Million Grand Prix at HITS Coachella in Thermal, CA.

Then, only a week later, Nayel and Lucifer V won the Great American $1 Million Grand Prix at HITS Ocala in Ocala, FL, making him only the second rider to win the $1 Million classes offered at all three HITS show venues, including HITS Coachella, HITS Ocala, and HITS Saugerties in New York! (Beezieā€™s win at Coachella the week before made her the first rider to win all three!)

As though two top finishes in $1 million grand prix classes werenā€™t enough, Nayel and Lucifer V then followed them up with a win in the $134,000 CSI 5* WEF Challenge Cup at the Winter Equestrian Festival in Wellington, FL ā€“ only days after winning the Great American $1 Million Grand Prix!

Our BarnManager team caught up with him following his WEF win for a quick conversation!

Q: What was the first horse or pony that got you started?

I had a mare called Romantica. She was a five-year-old chestnut mare from Hungary, I believe. She had a lot of blood and was kind of crazy, but she taught me the hard part of the sport and thatā€™s managing difficult horses. It was definitely an interesting introduction! I was probably 10 or 11 [years old].

Q: What’s your favorite riding moment or memory?

All of the [HITS] Millions are very special. Each one was different in its own way.

I had a really good show at the L.A. Masters a few years ago with Lordan, where he won the speed and was second in the grand prix. Iā€™ve had a few memorable moments, but those are probably the ones that stand out.

Q: What’s your number one goal right now?

We have a big year in terms of Olympic qualification. We have a Nations Cup at the end of the year for the Olympic bid for the Arab countries, so Iā€™m trying to be informed for that and have one or two horses at least ready for that.

My goal was to qualify for [the Longines FEI Jumping World Cupā„¢ Finals]; I qualified, but I decided not to go. My horses are a little older, so I decided to save them a little bit for the [Longines Global Champions Tour] and for these big grand prix classes and try to keep them a little fresher for that. That was a hard choice to make, but I think that was the right one. Iā€™m really just trying to keep them happy and healthy so that at the end of the year, when we have that Olympic qualifier, we can put in a good effort.

Q: On a typical day at home, what’s your schedule?

Iā€™m up usually between 7 and 7:30 a.m. I might try to be on my first horse between 8 and 8:30 a.m. I flat or jump depending on what the horses need. Iā€™m basically at the barn all day and doing whatever needs to get done in the afternoon, whether itā€™s a lighter trail ride or helping around the barn or whatever. Once the weekend comes around, weā€™re usually at a show, so itā€™s usually just trying to enjoy the down time when weā€™re at home and letting the horses be free in the paddocks a little bit.

Q: What’s one piece of advice you would give to young, up-and-coming riders?

Go out and look for as many opportunities as you can, and just try to be as involved as possible even if itā€™s at the lowest level. I think just putting yourself out there; thatā€™s the most important thing. As a professional myself, Iā€™m very encouraged when I see somebody who has the right drive and who wants to make it and be something in the sport. Iā€™ll always try to help them out whenever I can. I think there are a lot of trainers who are like that.

If you put yourself out there and youā€™re not afraid of rejection and you keep trying to find a place for yourself, somebody is going to give you a shot. Then itā€™s just a matter of working hard and trying to make it to the goals that you have set for yourself.

Bonus Question!: Whatā€™s one thing thatā€™s always in your ring bag or that you donā€™t go to the ring without?

This is new, but itā€™s a tie clip that [girlfriend Jennifer Gates] got me at the beginning of circuit because she got irritated with my tie always flying around! I tried to safety pin it in, but then it looked so bad, so she got me a tie clip, and now I take it everywhere!

Photos by Jump Media

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses,Ā and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

Liv’s Tip of the Month – Fitting a Grazing Muzzle

Liv Gude gives us some tips on fitting your horse’s grazing muzzle

A well fitted grazing muzzle can help your horse stay healthy and trim, all while avoiding an increased risk of laminitis in some cases. But, muzzles can rub your horse bald, and even to the point of sores.

Some horses do best with a soft and fuzzy grazing muzzle that sits closely to their face. Some horses do best with soft and fuzzy, but a bit larger.

If you horse is really sensitive to rubs around the muzzle, look for a style that is made from stiff materials that can be held away from his face.

You must always use a breakaway halter of some style. Nylon halters must have a leather crown piece or some other breakaway option. Leather halters might be your best bet to attach a muzzle to, as they hand help the whole thing stay away from your horseā€™s face.

Adding fleece to halters is an option also. You donā€™t have to go for real sheepskin, you can get all sorts of colors and textures for rub protection.

If your horse likes to talk his muzzle off by hooking the nose and flipping the basket under his chin, you can get halters that have a face piece that connects from the crown piece to the basket. If your horse likes to remove everything by getting out of the crownpiece, braid some of his mane around it to see if that helps.

Happy grazing!

Liv Gude, a former International Dressage Groom for years, founded as a way to unite Grooms in the horse industry. The educational website also serves to entertain and inform horse owners across all disciplines about horse care, grooming, and health. Click here to check it out!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses,Ā and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

10 Masterclass Innovation Series Takeaways Worth Knowing!

10 Masterclass Innovation Series Takeaways Worth Knowing!

For the past several months, our BarnManager team and our Equine Tech Collab partners have wanted to bring to life an event, or a series of events, that would embody the Equine Tech Collabā€™s mission of supporting the education of equestrians in order to equip them with the knowledge and tools needed for best practices in horse care, welfare, and management.

On Tuesday, March 19, that idea came to fruition in the form of the Equine Tech Collabā€™s Masterclass Innovation Series: A Mindful Approach to Horse & Rider!

The two-part panel discussion event included conversations on ā€œThe Soundness Spectrum: Maintaining Horses’ Soundness Through Proactive Managementā€ and ā€œIn Good Company: Top Riders Discuss the Skills and Practices That Help Them with Mental and Emotional Challenges,ā€ with panelists and moderators including:

  • two-time Olympic show jumper, Daniel Bluman
  • FEI groom for Millar Brooke Farm, Danny Ingratta
  • Tonya Johnston, MA, a Mental Skills Coach, author, and A-circuit competitor who specializes in working with equestrian athletes
  • the U.S. Dressage Olympic team bronze medalist currently ranked fifth in the world, Kasey Perry-Glass
  • Dr. Tim Ober, the official veterinarian of the US Equestrian show jumping team
  • Dr. Sheila Schils, an innovator in the field of equine rehabilitation and injury prevention
  • 2018 World Equestrian Games (WEG) show jumping team gold medalist Adrienne Sternlicht
  • Jennifer Wood, founder of Jennifer Wood Media and Equestrian Businesswomen and co-founder of Jump Media


We learned a ton from all of them, but we have narrowed it down to 10 takeaways from the evening to share with you! (For more, you can watch the full evening on demand on USEF Network here!)

1. Keeping your horses sound starts with spending time with them.

Two-time Olympian Daniel Bluman shared: ā€œNowadays the schedule for the horse and the rider and for the whole team is pretty busy. Thereā€™s a lot of traveling; thereā€™s a lot to do. I think itā€™s very important that you make yourself a good schedule where you get to spend enough time with the horses. I think thatā€™s the base of our sport, the base of our industry, and our passion. I think for every horseman, grooms, veterinarians, or the rest of the team, itā€™s all about spending many hours with the horses so that you have as much information as you can.ā€

Danny Ingratta, the head groom for the team at Millar Brooke Farm (home of 10-time Canadian Olympian Ian Millar, Olympian Amy Millar, Jonathon Millar, and Kelly Soleau-Millar), added: ā€œFor me itā€™s daily; every day Iā€™m looking at the horse. Iā€™m feeling the horseā€”everything from acupuncture points to if their legs are a little bit bigger. I like to touch the horse and see what it tells me. You run your hands down itā€™s legs. Are there bumps? Is their scurf on its legs?ā€

Daniel also noted that the more time that you spend with your horses, the more likely you are to notice if something is off or unusual: ā€œIt makes it easier for me to notice if there are differences. If I normally do circles to the left or to the right and the horse is not reacting or doing what they normally would do, and I know them fairly well, then perhaps itā€™s important to call the vet and check that thereā€™s not something thatā€™s bothering them.ā€

2. Educating yourself is important for both you and your horse.Ā 

Educating yourself is another vital step to maximizing your horseā€™s well-being and soundness. It also goes hand-in-hand with spending time with them ā€“ and your vets will appreciate it too!

ā€œFamiliarizing yourself with anatomy enough to run your hand down the legs and know where swelling is and that itā€™s different from one day to the next [is one of the first things you can do to improve soundness]. Most vets appreciate clients who have gone through the process to form an opinion in that manner. Focus on your own education; get what you can from each example.ā€ ā€“ Dr. Tim Ober, the official veterinarian of the US Equestrian show jumping team

3. A good relationship with your vet can go a long way.Ā 

ā€œI would say that a grand prix horse showing in an intense schedule down here [in Wellington] should be seen every two weeks. Then I would scale it down and say every two weeks to every six weeks. I think everybody is challenged to figure that out in their own programā€”what a good rhythm is. But if itā€™s more than six weeks, itā€™s difficult to get to know the horse or it takes a much longer time to get to know the horse. I think thereā€™s a big advantage in developing that familiarity with your veterinarian.ā€ ā€“ Tim

ā€œI think a close relationship with your vet is really important. If your vet doesnā€™t know your horses well enough, he or she is prone to making mistakes.ā€ ā€“ Daniel

4. Stress is not always a bad thing ā€“ at least if youā€™re a muscle.

While negative connotations generally come to mind when we hear the word ā€œstress,ā€ it can be a positive force, too. In fact, stress is needed for a muscle to grow and rebuild. Dr. Sheila Schils, an innovator in the field of equine rehabilitation and injury prevention and a professor in the pre-vet program at the University of Wisconsin for more than 20 years, explained:

ā€œThe only way that youā€™ll get a stronger muscle is to break down muscle fibers. Often what we see in our horses is they get done with a competition, and we feel their backs and immediately feel, ā€˜Oh theyā€™re sore.ā€™ In my world, as long as that soreness doesnā€™t become pathological, Iā€™m in the back going, ā€˜Yay!ā€™ Because now, next week that horse is going to become stronger.

ā€œWe donā€™t want to over-stress those muscles, but we have to look at this discomfort and pain in a different way. The way that we reduce this stress, so it ends up making a stronger muscle as an outcome rather than resulting in injury, is we use the muscle more.ā€

5. Just because you may feel like you need a day off following a horse show, it might not actually be what is best for your horse.

In order to move the muscles more and to help them grow and heal, Sheila explained that a day off from riding after a big effort is not really the best solution.

ā€œEven though on Monday, when all of you need a day off, you think, ā€˜So does my horse.ā€™ Wrong! The brain may need a day off, donā€™t get me wrong, but the muscle needs to keep on rolling. The worst thing after the muscle has been stressed is to let it sit in the stall and rest, because then it becomes inflamed. If I have my preference, you ride them, because you have such a better sense of when that horse becomes fatigued. You can sit on them and know how far to push them, rather than putting them in something that doesnā€™t have that idea of how far. If a horse has had a strenuous week, and then you put them on a treadmill, or especially a water treadmill, then you could be not giving them that appropriate recovery time.ā€

6. Youā€™re not the only one with show ring anxiety; Olympic and World Championship athletes battle it too.Ā 

ā€œEven these big events that you go to, I try to think of it as a very small thing. Because if it becomes too big in my head, it becomes overpowering. Then I canā€™t focus. Two hours before I start my preparation, I feel sick to my stomach. Iā€™m not nervous; Iā€™m just anxious. Once I start braiding and getting him tacked up and all of that, it goes away. Then after my warm-up I feel pretty secure. I trust my training; I trust my coach, and she sends me in having full confidence.ā€ ā€“ Kasey Perry-Glass, the U.S. Dressage Olympic team bronze medalist currently ranked fifth in the world

7. Thereā€™s great value in routine.

In fact, Daniel says he thinks itā€™s the most important tools for any athlete, and Adrienne and Kasey agree! Hereā€™s some of what they had to say about routines and the rituals they utilize themselves:

Daniel: ā€œ[Routine] keeps you going in moments when your mind shuts down because youā€™re just so tired. You have to train your brain to not think about whatā€™s at stake, rather itā€™s just one more time that youā€™re going in the ring to do what you practiced. I try to spend a lot of time with the horses before big competitions because I know that thatā€™s going to give me that peace that I like. Part of my routine is actually to ride my horse as close to the competition as possible, so that I already know Iā€™m guaranteed that period of time of peace.ā€

2018 World Equestrian Games (WEG) show jumping team gold medalist Adrienne Sternlicht: ā€œBefore a big class, I have a distinct routine, which brings comfort to uncomfortable situations. I was so freaked out the first day at the [WEG]! I had no idea what to expect. I found comfort in being able to a) meditate and b) listen to books. There are certain chapters of certain books that I listen to that I really like. (She often listens to chapters titled ā€œFearā€ and ā€œDesireā€ in the book Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D, as part of her pre-competition routine.)

Kasey: ā€œIā€™m an overthinker. I think way too much about everything. I look at my husband all the time, and he doesnā€™t think about anything like ever! I just want to channel that. Iā€™ve tried to simplify my life in any way that I can. The more organized that I can stay in my daily life and my routine, the better I am. My horse is on a very time-sensitive schedule at competitions. I plan everything out. By putting on his bridle, by putting on his saddle, braiding ā€“ because I braid myself, it helps me get in the zone.ā€

8. Daniel Bluman loves a good nap

Through trying different routines, Daniel found that a pre-competition nap is often quite beneficial for him. Itā€™s all about what works best for you!

ā€œDaniel over there, he sleeps often. I see him when heā€™s really nervous before a big class, where as I like to keep myself super busy.ā€ ā€“ Adrienne

ā€œI definitely love sleeping. Thatā€™s not a secret to anybody. The class may be going on, and Iā€™m taking a nap before I get on the horse. Thatā€™s also something that has worked for me. If the first time I took a nap before competing I went horrible, I probably would have never napped again! But napping has consistently worked well for me. Iā€™m an anxious person by nature, so I go over the plan too many times. Then at some point my brain shuts down, so a little nap is always fantastic to refresh. You just have to have somebody to wake you up in time!ā€ ā€“ Daniel

ā€œSometimes focus comes in many formsā€¦[Olympic dressage rider Adrienne Lyle] loves to sleep. We have to wake her up. So, itā€™s interesting how everyone can be so different.ā€ ā€“ Kasey

9. At the end of the day, itā€™s important to remember why we all do this in the first place: the horses.

The next time that youā€™re feeling anxious going into the show ring or find yourself overthinking your last bad ride, try doing what Daniel does:

ā€œI try to focus on the reasons why I do the sport. I didnā€™t start riding because I wanted to win a five-star grand prix anywhere in the world. I didnā€™t even know that five-star grand prix existed. I didnā€™t start riding because I wanted to be the most successful rider in the history of the sport; I really just started riding because I loved horses. In times when Iā€™m really anxious or I feel my head is getting ahead of me, I just really try to remember that thankfully we work with horses and not with motorcycles or with cars. We work with actual animals that have this incredible power to give us that feeling of calm of peace.ā€

10. We truly are ā€œstronger together.ā€

ā€Stronger Togetherā€ is the tagline of the Equine Tech Collab for a reason. We knew that together we could do far more to further our shared missions than we could ever do alone, and the first Masterclass Innovation Series was a testament to that. Not only did all of the Equine Tech Collab partners come together, but also the panelists all gave so generously of their time, knowledge, and expertise ā€“ something that we are so incredibly thankful for! By working together to share this knowledge and to share resources, we hope that the equestrian community as a whole can become even stronger together!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

A Quick Conversation: Adrienne Sternlicht

Each month, the BarnManager team is sitting down with accomplished riders from across equestrian disciplines to learn more about how they got their start, their typical days, their biggest advice, and more! Weā€™re asking the same five questions and sharing their answers with you!

Adrienne Sternlicht made headlines in September 2018 as part of the USA’s gold medal-winning show jumping team at the FEI World Equestrian Gamesā„¢ Tryon (WEG), but the 25-year-old was a powerhouse rider to watch well before that! The Brown University grad made her U.S. show jumping Nations Cup debut in May 2017, and since then she’s been a member of numerous Nations Cup teams and accumulated a number of top individual finishes while training with McLain Ward. Just this month, Sternlicht was part of the gold medal-winning U.S. team at the FEI Jumping Nations Cup Wellington CSIO4*.

An added bonus about Sternlicht? She is also part of our Equine Tech Collab‘s Masterclass Innovation Series: A Mindful Approach to Horse and Rider on March 19! She’ll be sharing insight into what the mental side of equestrian sport looks like for her and how she has learned to build confidence, handle stress, and manage the various emotions that come with competing at the highest levels of equestrian sport! Get all the details here!

Q: What was the first horse or pony that got you started?

The first pony that got me started was named Parker. I leased him, and actually, within six weeks of leasing him, I broke my shoulder! So my mom tried to ride him. Sheā€™d never ridden before; no one was in horses in my family. It didnā€™t go so great. She had one lesson on the lunge line, and then was not interested in riding him anymore! I got him when I was eight, I believe. He was a super sweet pony and kind of taught me the ropes.

Q: What’s your favorite riding moment or memory?

Probably my favorite memory personally was the Sunday of WEG for the individual final. I was the most relaxed that I think Iā€™ve ever been to jump. It just was such a surreal experience being able to share that moment with my horse.

Q: What’s your number one goal right now?

Tokyo! All eyes on Tokyo [for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics]!

Q: On a typical day at home, what’s your schedule?

A typical day when Iā€™m not competing: I typically start around 8 a.m. Sometimes I work out before. It depends on my motivation level that day! Normally, whatever horses are showing that week, Iā€™ll jump them at McLain [Ward]ā€™s farm. So Iā€™ll trailer over there. We donā€™t really do anything but gymnastics. Thatā€™s a huge part of our program. Then Iā€™ll flat the other horses. I have two homebred hunters that Iā€™ve been showing as well. So, Iā€™ll go over to Linda Langmeierā€™s farm when Iā€™m done riding my horses, which normally happens early to mid-afternoon, and Iā€™ll go ride my hunters. Then Iā€™ll hopefully get a workout in after. I either like to do a barre or pilates class, and I run a lot.

Q: What’s one piece of advice you would give to young, up-and-coming riders?

Be patient. And listen to your trainer.

Bonus Question!: What’s always in your tack trunk or ring bag?

I have a wide array of spurs. I have a tack hook that has at least eight to 10 pairs of spurs on it so that Iā€™m always prepared. Iā€™m quite particular about what spurs I use on what horse. In my ring bag, I have the little individually wrapped Neutrogena wipes because I tend to get quite dirty during the day, and those are awesome. I also have my Equestrian Wellness hand sanitizer; I love that stuff. And sunscreen!

Photos by Jump Media

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses,Ā and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

A Quick Conversation: Hannah Selleck

Each month, the BarnManager team is sitting down with accomplished riders from across equestrian disciplines to learn more about how they got their start, their typical days, their biggest advice, and more! Weā€™re asking the same five questions and sharing their answers with you!

Hannah Selleck, 30, has made a name for herself as a successful jumper rider ā€“ most recently with her mare, Barla ā€“ but the Los Angeles, CA, nativeā€™s equestrian endeavors arenā€™t limited to the grand prix ring. In 2010, Selleck founded Descanso Farm, a boutique breeding operation dedicated to producing high-quality sport horses within the U.S. Now, nearly eight years later, the young horses of Descanso Farm are seeing great success in both the jumper and hunter rings ā€“ as is Selleck.

BarnManager caught up with Selleck amidst her busy winter competing at HITS Coachella in California where she is showing Barla and bringing along the hopeful future stars of the sport!

Q: What was the first horse or pony that got you started?

We lived on a ranch,Ā so I was always surrounded by different animals: cats, dogs, sheep, rabbits, cows, and horses. My dad had Western horses that he had from filming some of his Western films. He enjoyed trail riding, and I started riding when I was four. My first pony was a small black Shetland pony named Sheba.

Q: What’s your favorite riding moment or memory?

Hannah Selleck (center) double gold at 2008 NAJYRC

I have a few. I would say winning both individual and team gold medals at the 2008 North American Junior and Young Rider Championships and winning the USEF Talent Search Finals that same year.

Then, more recently, seeing our Descanso Farm bred horses winning in the show ring. Itā€™s such a great feeling as weā€™re now beginning to see the goal through. For a while, when theyā€™re very young and in the field, it doesnā€™t feel like as much of a tangible thing if youā€™ve never done it before. Now, weā€™re seeing it working and weā€™re seeing them really develop into great horses, and itā€™s very rewarding.

Q: What’s your number one goal right now?

Getting back in show ring after breaking my leg last summer. I showed for the first time midway through Thermal, and my goal is to be back in the FEI classes by the end of March.

Q: On a typical day at home, what’s your schedule?

The last six months or so my schedule has been a bit different than usual. I would typically start riding every morning at farm by 8 a.m. We normally take Sundays or Mondays off. Right now, I am still making physical therapy a priority a couple times a week, so those days I start early with my physical therapist, then workout with my trainer, then head to the farm and ride the remainder of the day. On the days I donā€™t have PT or my personal trainer I still like to get a workout in after I ride doing spin, tennis, or swimming.

Q: What’s one piece of advice you would give to young, up-and-coming riders?

Immerse yourself in the sport and in learning more about the horses ā€“ not just the riding. Spend time taking care of them and getting to know them. Itā€™s so important and can go a long way in your success.

Photo Credits: Top Image – Ashley Neuhof Photography. Bottom Image –

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses,Ā and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!