BarnManager’s Favorite Equestrian Podcasts

Equestrian podcasts are more popular than ever these days. They are perfect to listen to on the go and can be educational, entertaining, and inspiring. Since there are so many to choose from, we have compiled a list of some of our current favorites.


Horses in the Morning

Hosted by Glenn Hebert of Horse Radio Network and equestrian Jamie Jennings, Horses in the Morning is a long-standing podcast that is all about equestrians. Listeners will get their daily dose of the horse world through entertaining conversations with guests. The show includes several regular horse-related segments in addition to listener call-ins and contests.

Click here to listen:


Sport Horse Podcast

Sport Horse Podcast is the newest show in this lineup and is hosted by BarnManager’s founder Nicole Lakin and Dr. Tim Worden, a sport scientist and member of the Equine High Performance Sports Group as well as the Sport Horse Research Foundation. During this new podcast, Lakin and Dr. Worden talk to leading equestrians and researchers about the science behind training and management techniques for equine athletes. Listeners will learn how science and horsemanship can work together to improve equine performance results.

Click here to listen:

Equestrian B2B Podcast

The Equestrian B2B Podcast features conversations with business leaders and entrepreneurs in the equestrian industry. Hosted by Jennifer Wood and Jennifer Connor of Equestrian Businesswomen, this educational podcast gives listeners important tips on starting, maintaining, and enjoying a successful business.

Click here to listen:

The Plaidcast

On The Plaidcast, Piper Klemm of The Plaid Horse speaks with top hunter, jumper, and equitation riders, trainers, horse show managers, and industry experts. Klemm is joined by several co-hosts, including Traci Brooks of Balmoral Farm, mental skills coach Tonya Johnston, Michael Tokaruk of Tokaruk Show Stables, and several others. Guests discuss topics such as how they became successful in the industry, horsemanship, and tips for riders.

Click here to listen:

Young Black Equestrians

The Young Black Equestrians podcast is hosted by Abriana Johnson, an equestrian, author, and entrepreneur. This podcast shines a spotlight on significant Black people who are part of the equestrian world. Johnson aims to educate, promote diversity, and increase access to the horse community through her podcast.

Click here to listen:

Equestrian Voices

Noelle Floyd’s Equestrian Voices is hosted by Caroline Culbertson and brings up some of the deeper topics of life as an equestrian. Guests talk about issues such as over-competing horses, mental health, and the realities of becoming a professional in the industry.

Click here to listen:

USHJA On Course

USHJA On Course is the official podcast of the United States Hunter Jumper Association. The podcast welcomes top junior, amateur, and professional riders to discuss the sport as well as matters beyond the show ring.

Click here to listen:

Heels Down Happy Hour

Sit back, relax, and catch up on all the horse show news with the Heels Down Happy Hour podcast. Journalist Justine Griffin, international event rider Jessica Payne, and book designer Ellie Woznica talk about all the recent events in the equestrian industry and what listeners should know to stay informed.

Click here to listen:

The Equestrian Podcast

On The Equestrian Podcast, host Bethany Lee of My Equestrian Style talks to some of the top riders, professionals, and business owners in the equestrian world. While on this podcast, guests discuss their work with horses as well as some less conventional topics of working with horses.

Click here to listen:

Next time you are driving to the barn, getting your horse ready, or cleaning tack, test out one of these podcasts to stay up to date with the equine industry.

Have questions about utilizing BarnManager or want to give it a try for yourself? Request a live demo here!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!


Five Tips To Organize Your Tack Room

A tack room can be a busy area where people are constantly in and out, looking for items, or socializing. For these reasons, keeping a tack room clean and organized is no easy task. Read about a few of BarnManager’s favorite tips on how to keep this area neat throughout the day.

1. Sort Your Tack

The first step in organizing your tack room is to sort all of your equipment. Extra pieces of tack can pile up over time, so it is helpful to go through and decide what you actually need every once in a while. Make several piles for tack that you currently use, extra items you may need, leather that needs to get fixed, equipment that can be donated, and tack that has to be thrown away. During this cleanout, look for items that do not actually need to be there and are taking up useful space. This is the perfect time to take those things out and put them in their correct spot somewhere else.

While you are organizing your tack, you should take inventory of what you have. It is always nice to know how many extra sets of reins, stirrup leathers, or nosebands you have, especially if something breaks. Make a note of where you store the equipment, so it is easy to find when you need it. You can use BarnManager’s list function to write down where the extra tack is kept and share it with all employees.

2. Create Sections

Depending on the size of your tack room and how many horses and clients you have, it is helpful to create different sections within the tack room. To do this, make sure you have a lot of extra hooks and bridle racks. If you attend a lot of horse shows, think about designating one wall for horse show bridles and a separate wall for schooling tack. This will make packing for a horse show very simple and help keep everything organized. Another option is to separate tack by client or horse. This gives each client their own spot, so it is easier to keep things neat and reduce confusion. Separating tack by client will also make it easier for all employees to easily understand which equipment goes with each horse and rider.

Create a separate spot for extra equipment so it does not accidentally get mixed in with the everyday tack. If your tack room does not have cabinets or storage spots, you may want to invest in a couple of drawers or bins where these items can go. Putting your extra tack away in storage containers will help keep the room looking less cluttered and make things easy to find. If possible, try to stay away from open shelving that can get disorganized and messy looking throughout the day.

3. Organize Bits

Similar to leather tack, bit collections can also grow over the years. If you have extra bridle racks or hooks, consider keeping a few useful bits out so that you can quickly switch to them if needed. Organize the rest of your bits by type and then store them away in a tack trunk or cabinet. Large metal binder rings can be used to keep bits of the same style all together so when you are looking for a certain type it is easy to find. If you are keeping your bits in a cabinet, it may be helpful to create hooks or sections to separate the bits.

4. Give Everything a Home

One of the most important steps to ensure that everything is returned properly and stays organized is to give all items a home. While it may be easy to keep the tack organized, make sure smaller items like saddle pads, bandages, veterinary creams, and any other supplies have a specific spot where they are stored as well. Creating a system like this will help keep things from getting left in random places or piling up in a certain spot throughout the day, especially if there are multiple people using the same supplies.

5. Label All Items

Once your equipment is in place, the final step is to label everything. This will give people a clear idea about where items are stored and help make sure that everything is returned properly. You can label bridles, saddles, bits, cabinets, and bins. Having all equipment labeled will also be beneficial when you have a new employee or client because they will immediately understand where all the supplies belong.

Organizing your tack room may seem like a daunting job, but it is worth it in the long run. A neat tack room can help make equipment easier to find while also keeping your barn looking orderly and tidy.

Have questions about utilizing BarnManager or want to give it a try for yourself? Request a live demo here!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

The BarnManager Q&A With: Nicole Baergen

The BarnManager Q&A With:

Nicole Baergen, Groom and Manager for Jan Brons Dressage, located in Wellington, FL

Nicole Baergen and Glen Emeril competing. Photo by Barbara Foose

What are three things that are always in your ring bag?

I always carry fly spray, towels, and a hoof pick with me to the ring.

What is the most helpful habit you practice at the barn?

I think it is important to pick horses’ feet before leaving their stall to keep the aisle clean and neat. I also believe that all equipment and grooming supplies should have a “home” or specific spot where they are stored. It is helpful for people to know where to put things after they use them, so things don’t pile up at the end of the day.

How do you foster a great team environment in your business?

I try to schedule group activities outside of the barn. It gets everyone excited and looking forward to doing something together. I actually use Groupon a lot because it’s a great way to find local things to do. Plus, it’s easy on everyone’s budget.

Nicole Baergen and Chichic enjoying some downtime at the Central American and Caribbean Games in 2018.

What’s your best tip or hack for grooming and horse care? Where did you learn it?

I love my tails. I’m big on conditioning and trimming them weekly. Also, currying is so important. I love my metal curry to massage the body. I then use a rubber curry to get the legs and the in-between places. I learned these grooming tricks when I was in high school and spent a summer as a working student for Nancy Later. She was a stickler for the details. I’m so grateful to have had her guidance, which helped lay the foundation for me to be doing what I do now.

What is your favorite equestrian competition and why?

I love them all. I don’t think I could pick one. I enjoy being able to constantly meet so many people and learn from them at different shows. Plus, I have had the pleasure of working with some amazing horses.

If you were a horse, what would you be and why?

A Shetland pony! I may be small, but I’m mighty.


Have questions about utilizing BarnManager or want to give it a try for yourself? Request a live demo here!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

Five Qualities That Make a Good Barn Manager

Barn managers are a key component to running a successful barn. Keep reading to learn about some of the essential traits of a good barn manager.

1. The Ability to Multi-Task

Barn managers must be able to handle switching between several different tasks in a short period of time. They have to know how to prioritize their projects so the most important tasks are done quickly and efficiently. A medical emergency might happen right when a manager is in the middle of packing for a horse show, so they must know how to change gears and attend to the more important job without losing track of other things. It is also necessary for managers to balance several activities at once, keeping each one on track throughout a busy day. For example, managers often need to build the schedule for the next day while also helping the visiting vet, ordering grain, getting the rides done, or checking in with other staff.

2. Planning Ahead

Managers have to be two steps ahead of everyone else. For this reason, the ability to make both long-term and short-term schedules is critical. For long-term scheduling, managers should know key dates such as when horse show entries are due, which weeks the farrier is coming, and when health papers are needed. Knowing when each horse is scheduled for various procedures is a lot to keep straight, but it is the manager’s job to know when a client inquires.

At horse shows, the ability to make daily short-term schedules is essential. Managers are responsible for knowing which groom is taking each horse to the ring, making sure every horse has the right equipment, and being sure that all the correct aftercare is done. This requires managers to be able to plan out each day almost to the minute.

3. Communication Skills

Managers must effectively communicate with all staff members as well as clients, vets, farriers, and more. During a busy day, especially at a horse show, clear communication is crucial. Managers need to be positive that grooms, clients, riders, and trainers are all on the same page and understand the plan. Additionally, if the plan changes, managers are often in charge of making sure everyone is aware of the alterations.

When talking with coworkers, it is very helpful to keep a positive attitude. Managers are seen as the leaders. If they have a negative attitude, it will most likely transfer to other employees. If a problem arises between two coworkers, barn managers need to know how to remain calm, listen to both sides, and work with each employee to come up with a solution.

In order to successfully communicate and work with vets and farriers, managers must understand basic horse knowledge. It is their job to tell the vet or farrier what is going on with the horse when there is an issue. They are often responsible for relaying the diagnosis or treatment plan to the trainer, rider, and client.

4. An Open Mind

For most jobs in the equestrian industry, having an open mind is key. Even if someone has been a manager for 10 years, there is always something new they can learn. Every horse has something to teach, and coworkers also have new tips or tricks that are helpful. Having a positive attitude and always being willing to learn can help managers constantly improve their skills.

5. Love of the Horse

The most necessary quality in a good barn manager is to love the horses. The job requires long hours and can be physically and mentally tiring. A commitment to the animals makes it all worth it. A manager that has a passion for horses will always be fully committed to the job and make sure the horses’ care comes first.

Barn managers may not always be the ones riding and training. Their dedication to the barn behind the scenes allows for happy, healthy, and successful horses and riders.

Have questions about utilizing BarnManager or want to give it a try for yourself? Request a live demo here!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

Five Activities To Do When It’s Too Cold To Ride

For most people, the winter months include some days when the temperatures are too cold to safely ride your horse. Below are some equestrian-related activities to keep you busy during those ice-cold days.

1. Watch Live Streams

If you are stuck inside because of freezing temperatures or several feet of snow, check out coverage from some of the horse shows happening elsewhere. Live streams are available for both World Equestrian Center locations, the Winter Equestrian Festival, and the Desert International Horse Park. USEF Network also offers educational content and horse shows on demand. If you want to learn more from top equestrians, watch a Masterclass or a Barn Talk from Horse & Country. You may not be able to have a lesson that day, but you can still grow your knowledge and skills remotely.

2. Clean Tack

If your barn has a heated tack room, consider taking the time to deep clean and condition all of your tack. It’s difficult to find the time to do this during a regular busy day when you are riding. Go the extra step and take apart your bridle, clean your bits, condition your saddle, and polish your boots. Make sure to clean all the tiny leather pieces that often get skimmed over in day-to-day cleaning. This is a good time to make note of any equipment that might need to be replaced or fixed. You could also bring your tack home if you prefer to work while watching a movie or live stream of a horse show.

3. Make Homemade Horse Cookies

Baking when it’s cold or snowing is always a fun way to keep you busy. After making a batch of cookies for yourself, consider baking some homemade treats for your favorite horse. Although it’s no longer the holiday season, check out BarnManager’s DIY Holiday Horse Treat Recipes for some fun ideas. This is an activity your horse will definitely appreciate, no matter what time of year.

4. Organize Your Tack Trunk

Cleaning out your tack trunk can be a daunting task depending on how much equipment you acquire over time. It’s a good idea to go through and reorganize every once in a while, especially if you struggle to find things in a pinch. Buy baskets or clear containers that easily fit into your trunk and use them to store gear such as bits, extra pieces of tack, spurs, and gloves. Create separate piles of equipment to throw out if well-worn or donate if still in good condition. Empty out your entire trunk and use the barn vacuum or a hand-held one from home to really get ready for a clean start. When you put everything back in, try to put your most used items at the top of the trunk for easy access.

5. Clean Out Your Closet

Equestrians have a habit of collecting shirts and breeches throughout the years and then not wearing most of them. Take advantage of those cold days when you are stuck inside to go through your closet and decide what clothes you actually wear and what you really don’t need. You can also do this with boots, half chaps, show jackets, and other equipment that have accumulated over time. If the items are still in good condition, consider donating to an organization that makes gently-used riding clothes available to other horse lovers who need them, such as The Rider’s Closet.

Although nobody wants to spend a day inside away from their horse, try to make the most of that time with these fun and productive activities from BarnManager.

Have questions about utilizing BarnManager or want to give it a try for yourself? Request a live demo here!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

Tips To Balance School and Horse Showing

Managing a busy school schedule can be a challenging task, especially when you are also trying to horse show. Read some tips from junior riders who are able to successfully balance their schoolwork with their competition schedule.

Stephanie Garrett of New York, NY

10th Grade

Photo by Sportfot

What are some of your biggest challenges in balancing school and your show schedule?

My biggest commitment outside of school is riding yet my closest friendships are with friends outside of the riding world. So, my biggest challenge isn’t balancing school and riding, because I find that just comes down to time management. For me, it’s balancing my life with friends outside of the riding community. Since I am away most weekends competing and I miss a lot of the social events, making sure I stay involved is an equally important part of my life. I especially try to make an effort to socialize with my friends on those weekends that I am home.

What are three things that you do to successfully stay on top of schoolwork while showing?

I’m super fortunate that my school allows me to miss Fridays during the Winter Equestrian Festival circuit, as long as I keep up with my grades. I try to get most of my schoolwork done when I am flying back and forth between Florida and New York. Time management is also extremely important. I try to look at my schedule in the beginning of the week to see what work I can get done ahead of time. That way I usually will not have as much to do on weekends when I’m busy showing. The last thing I find extremely beneficial is communication.  Whether that is with classmates or teachers, I think staying in touch with everyone is key. On days that I miss school, I try to reach out to a friend to send me the notes, and I really take advantage of meeting with my teachers for extra time if I ever feel confused or behind on certain material.


Lila Nelson of New Preston, CT

12th Grade

What are some of your biggest challenges in balancing school and your show schedule?

One of my biggest challenges is that a lot of the time I have school when I am showing. I go to a boarding school so we have class on Saturdays, which can be hard to manage. School takes a lot of mental focus, and showing also demands that same mental focus. Sometimes it is hard to concentrate on both things at once. School can be exhausting and having to show right after can be a lot, but it is worth it and necessary to be successful in both things.

What are three things that you do to successfully stay on top of schoolwork while showing?

Photo by Sportfot

The first thing I do to make sure I am staying on top of my work is to have a planner. This is essential to keep my life running smoothly. At the beginning of every week, I write down what classes I have, what homework I have to do, and when I can ride and show that week. The second thing I do is I meet with all my teachers during conference blocks to discuss when I am going to take tests and quizzes, and also make sure I am staying on top of all my work. Most of my teachers are very understanding, which definitely helps. Lastly, I make sure to set time out of my day to get my work done and still have time to hang out with my friends. It is important to do well in school and in the show ring, but it is equally as important to maintain a good social life and have fun.


Gabrielle Sokolow of Westlake Village, CA

12th Grade

Photo by Shawn McMillen

What are some of your biggest challenges in balancing school and your show schedule?

My biggest challenge in balancing school and my show schedule is finding time during the show day to sit down and get my schoolwork done. On an average day I show at least two or three horses, so finding time can be difficult depending on when my horse show classes go. Luckily, I do online school so my schedule can be a little more flexible.

What are three things that you do to successfully stay on top of schoolwork while showing?

I try to get my schoolwork done early in the week before my show schedule starts getting busy toward the end of the week. I also try to plan ahead on weeks that I’m not showing. During those weeks I try to get as much schoolwork done as possible. That way I don’t have work piling up when I’m busy showing. Another thing that I find important is planning out my school and show schedule every week. I write down everything I need to get done for school and when I’m showing. I then make a detailed plan so I do not feel overwhelmed.

Have questions about utilizing BarnManager or want to give it a try for yourself? Request a live demo here!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

The BarnManager Q&A With: Hadley Wheaton Lamond

The BarnManager Q&A With:

Hadley Wheaton Lamond, rider and trainer located in Connecticut

What are three things that are always in your ring bag?

I always carry small microfiber cloths in my bag. I use them for last-minute touches on my boots, horse, or tack before I go in the show ring. They are really convenient to put in my bag and do a better job than regular towels. I also try to keep a crop and spurs in my bag. I recently went to a show and accidentally forgot spurs. Luckily, I had a friend there who let me borrow a pair, which saved the day. I can’t stand riding without gloves or a hairnet, so I always make sure to have extras of those in my bag as well.

What is the most helpful habit you practice at the barn?

Photo by SEL Photography

Being consistent is the most important and helpful habit I practice right now. I’m definitely less motivated in the winter since I live in Connecticut and don’t go south. Keeping myself and my horses in a routine is crucial. I try to keep on top of things like having my tack and equipment organized, making sure my horses still look show ready, etc. I find this creates less stress and anxiety down the road.

How do you foster a great team environment in your business?

When I travel to teach or groom, I try to have a positive mindset. Working 10 to 12 hours a day is exhausting and the days can be unpredictable. I try to keep team spirits up by smiling and having a sense of humor. I find that even small things like saying thank you can have a big impact on someone, especially if they are not having the best day.

What’s your best tip or hack for grooming and horse care? Where did you learn it?

Until recently I always bought the more generic and less expensive brushes. I started buying HAAS brushes and they’re completely worth it. I saw someone using that brand in a TikTok so I decided to try them.

What is your favorite equestrian competition and why?

I don’t know if I have a favorite, but I really loved showing at Tryon International Equestrian Center. The layout, amenities, and vendors made the show very convenient and enjoyable. The rings and stables were also nice. I would definitely like to show there again, and hopefully, I will be able to show in a derby. Their recent derbies have looked like a lot of fun.

If you were a horse, what would you be and why?

I always tell my students I would be the worst horse to ride. I think sometimes we forget how patient and willing horses can be. I personally don’t see myself being the most “tolerant” horse. For this reason, I would probably be sitting in a field somewhere.

Have questions about utilizing BarnManager or want to give it a try for yourself? Request a live demo here!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

Five Tips for Horse Showing in the Winter

While some lucky riders get to escape to warmer climates during the winter, others remain up north to horse show in indoor rings and freezing temperatures. Read some of BarnManager’s tips to successfully compete in the cold weather.

1. Pack Extra Layers for Your Horse

Extra layers are extremely important when it comes to horse showing in cold temperatures. One cooler and one anti-sweat may not be enough, especially if your horse gets warm or sweaty while working. If one of the coolers gets wet or your horse needs an extra layer, it is always good to have a backup. Additional layers will guarantee that your horse will not catch a chill while waiting at the ring or after showing. If your horse is not using one of the coolers, they are also perfect to wrap around yourself to stay warm.

2. Pack Extra Layers for Yourself

Dressing in several layers is key to keeping warm during a long day at the show. Instead of just one thick jacket, try to wear multiple shirts and sweaters under your jacket to fight the cold. Since most show shirts are made for the summer, wear an additional shirt underneath. This will give you an extra layer of clothing when you are in the show ring wearing only your show coat on top. While horse showing in the cold weather, you may go from hot to cold multiple times during the day. If you get warm while riding, it is easy to take off a top layer and then put it back on when you are finished to avoid a chill. Bring extra clothing to change into in case some layers get sweaty from your work in the ring.

3. Stock Up on Spot Remover

Keeping your horse clean before a horse show is always a tricky task and when it is extremely cold a bath is not always an option. Spot remover can come in handy at these times, especially if you have a grey horse. Spray a little spot remover on any dirty area of your horse and use a wet towel to rub it off. Using warm water will help get rid of the dirt and make it a more pleasant experience for your horse. This process may require a little elbow grease, but it is an easier option than a full bath in the cold.

Another trick to keep your horse clean if they have white socks is to wrap their legs the night before. This will help those areas stay clean overnight, even if they lay down. To add a little brightness to white socks, apply baby powder before heading to the show ring.

4. Warm Up Before You Ride

Standing in the cold for multiple hours can cause stiff muscles, which is not what you want to feel when getting in the saddle. Before you get on, try to find a place to warm up for a few minutes, like a heated car or bathroom. If possible, do a few stretches to loosen up so you are not stiff when you get on your horse. Plan ahead so you have time to walk your horse a few extra laps in the warm-up area so they can properly loosen up as well. Remember to keep the cooler on your horse while walking them and wrap it around your legs to help you both stay warm for as long as possible.

5. Stay Hydrated

When it’s cold outside it’s easy to forget to drink water. Staying hydrated is important for exercising and keeping warm. Remind yourself to take a couple of sips of water every half hour and pack a hot beverage in a thermos to provide some extra warmth. Make sure to offer your horse water throughout the day because the same holds true for keeping them hydrated.

Horse shows can be challenging in any weather, but the cold winter months add an extra level of difficulty. Test out these tips at your next show for a warmer and more enjoyable day.

Have questions about utilizing BarnManager or want to give it a try for yourself? Request a live demo here!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

Horse Show Highlights From 2021

After a year of limited horse showing in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, equestrians were excited to get back in the show ring in 2021. Learn about some favorite 2021 horse show memories from grooms, trainers, and managers.

Linda Birk

Groom for Margie Goldstein-Engle, based in Wellington, FL

Linda Birk and Cesna. Photo by Alden Corrigan Media

What was your favorite memory of 2021?

It’s so difficult for me to pick one favorite horse show memory because there are so many to choose from! If I had to highlight one, it would probably be the last show of the year for us, the Fort Worth International CSI4*-W at Split Rock Jumping Tour in Fort Worth, Texas. We brought Royce and Dicas, Margie’s two main horses. Both boys jumped incredibly throughout the week. Margie got sick before the show, so I rode them up to and during the show. It was a huge relief when they jumped well after I’d kept them going. Royce placed second in the 1.50m qualifier with only three competing in the jump-off. He had the fastest time but an unlucky rail on the second-to-last fence. Dicas jumped in the World Cup Grand Prix, and as usual he gave it all he has and was double clear to end fourth. I always expect the horses to jump well, but that week was extra special due to the circumstances with Margie. They really jumped their hearts out.

What are you most looking forward to in 2022?

I am looking forward to making lots more memories in 2022. WEF 2022 will be here before we know it. I hope we will qualify for the World Cup Final in Leipzig, Germany. We have one more qualifier in Ocala coming up in March, so fingers crossed!

Krista Goosens

Assistant Trainer and Manager for Brianne Goutal LLC and The Propp Family, based in Wellington, FL, and Long Island, NY

Krista Goosens talking with Stella Propp at the in-gate. Photo by Kind Media

What was your favorite memory of 2021?

My favorite horse show memory from 2021 was definitely Stella Propp and Heaven’s Dream earning Grand Junior Hunter Champion at the National Horse Show. We leased this horse in January 2021 for Stella to show during her last junior year. It took us a little while to get the hang of things with him, but over the year he just kept getting better and better. We hit our stride with him during the summer, but when indoors started we struggled a bit to pull it all together. The National was Stella’s last show with “Dreamy” and her last show as a junior rider. I think our entire team (Dreamy included) really dug deep and pulled out all the stops for our final show, and it really paid off. The most rewarding part of this job is seeing my kids and horses succeed, so winning such a major title at such a prestigious show meant the world to me.


What are you most looking forward to in 2022?

I am looking forward to a great 2022 with the Brianne Goutal LLC team, and I am excited to see how our clients and horses progress this year.

Payton Wendler

Groom and Manager, most recently for Millar Brooke Farm based in Wellington, FL, and Lexington, KY

Payton Wendler preparing for the show ring. Photo courtesy of Payton Wendler

What was your favorite memory of 2021?

I have a lot of great memories from the 2021 show season! One of my favorite horse show memories was during the time I worked for Jonathon Millar and Kelly Soleau-Millar at Millar Brooke Farm. I had the opportunity to show a young horse that I was lucky enough to help develop. I had been out of the show ring for a couple of years, so it was great to be back in the ring on a horse I really enjoyed working with.

What are you most looking forward to in 2022?

I am looking forward to getting back in the show ring again! I am also excited to continue to help keep my horses happy, healthy, and performing at their best.

BarnManager would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy 2022. Make sure to look out for the new BarnManager Pro coming out in January!

Have questions about utilizing BarnManager or want to give it a try for yourself? Request a live demo here!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!