BarnManager’s Favorite Equestrian Influencers
Many equestrians use social media to stay on top of the latest news and results in the sport. In addition to keeping up with your favorite riders and horse shows, consider adding a few influencers to your follow list and enjoy the wonderful world of horses from their perspective. Continue reading for a list of BarnManager’s favorite equestrian influencers on Instagram.
Alex Calder
Make sure to follow Alex Calder’s account @betweentwoears for beautiful views of Ireland through the ears of her horse Ben. Get a glimpse at the trails and fields of Ireland with some foal and pony posts mixed in.
Evan Donadt
You should definitely take a look at dressage groom Evan Donadt’s @evangrooms account if you are looking for fun. His videos featuring a lighthearted take on equine behavior and life around the barn will make just about anyone laugh out loud.
Matt Harnacke
Matt Harnacke documents what it’s like to be a model and dressage rider. Check out @matt_harnacke to follow along with his travels, watch videos of him riding during golden hour, and get an inside look at his life as the founder of @horseworld_tv.
Esme Higgs
Esme Higgs shares videos and photos promoting fashion, beauty, horses, travel, and equine welfare. Esme travels to top competitions around the world and shares her experiences with her followers on @this_esme. She also hosts a podcast, Esme’s Country Life, that offers a deeper dive into her love of the countryside, animals, horses, and riding.
Madelyn Houser
Follow along with Madelyn Houser’s equestrian adventures on @theblondeandthebay_. Madelyn chronicles the highs and lows of her dressage career, working with her husband’s roping horses, the funny realities of running a barn with her spouse, and more.
Bethany Lee
For a mix of horse training, fashion, fitness, and travel check out @myequestrianstyle. Bethany Lee shares videos and photos of recent horse shows, her favorite clothing items, her go-to fitness routine, and more. Bethany also interviews leaders from across the sport on The Equestrian Podcast.
Jack LaTorre
Equestrians aiming to improve their fitness for riding should head over to @jack.equibody.fitness where dressage rider Jack LaTorre shares videos on why cross-training is important for equestrian athletes at all levels. Followers can learn exercises that can be done at the gym or at home to improve flexibility and strength to help improve their time in the saddle.
Brianna Noble
Brianna Noble is an inspirational urban cowgirl who is aiming to change lives. She works with youth from underprivileged communities in California and utilizes horsemanship as a tool toward a brighter future through her Humble project. Follow @urbancowgirl for motivational and fun photos plus an honest look at the equestrian industry.
Taryn Young
Taryn Young posts everything from encouraging quotes to favorite equestrian products and gifts on @warmbloodsandwine. As an amateur dressage rider, Taryn also shares photos and videos of herself competing.