BarnManager Horse Health Series: Caring for the Senior Sport Horse, Part 2

From a veterinary perspective, horses can be considered ā€œmiddle-agedā€ starting at age 13 years old and ā€œseniorsā€ by age 20. Although many sport horses may just be coming into their prime for training and competing during these years, horses show signs of aging at different rates just like humans do. As horses age some physiological functions start to decline, and they require extra care to maintain their overall health and condition.

Current advances in equine medicine enable horses to perform longer in their athletic careers than ever before. Palm Beach Equine Clinic in Wellington, FL, is experienced in helping senior sport horses stay comfortable and competitive. Together with proper veterinary care, educated owners can offer senior horses a happy and pain-free life as they age into their senior years. While many of the same health factors apply to horses of all ages, several considerations are highly relevant for seniors.

Read on for details and be sure to catch up on Part 1 of Caring for the Senior Sport Horse here.

Provide a Safe, Comfortable Environment

Making sure your aging horse has a well-bedded, sanitary space with an adequate amount of water and protection from the rain, snow, direct sun, and biting insects is essential to keeping them healthy. Additionally, middle-aged and senior horses can be more susceptible to respiratory irritants such as mold, fungus, dust, and pollen. As a result, it is best to do all barn and stall cleaning while your horse is in turnout or being ridden so they do not breathe in the irritants that can be stirred up during the cleaning process. Minimizing their exposure to these factors by maintaining a clean and well-ventilated stable will go a long way toward keeping your older horse healthy and comfortable.

Schedule Regular Veterinary Performance Evaluations

Like all athletes, horses can experience physical setbacks and do not always bounce back quickly as they age. Osteoarthritis and laminitis are two common medical conditions that become more prevalent as they get older. The middle-aged and senior performance horse needs to be managed with proper veterinary and farrier care and a suitable training program.

Routine performance evaluations by your veterinarian are a useful tool in detecting subtle changes in a horseā€™s gait and movement before issues become injuries. They will be able to suggest an appropriate treatment plan that can maintain and even increase your horseā€™s flexibility, range of motion, and balance, as well as ease any discomfort they may be experiencing. Some of these options to better your horseā€™s quality of life can fall under anti-inflammatories, joint injections, biological therapies, and alternative medications.Ā 

Many owners begin consulting their veterinarian on regenerative and alternative therapies well before their horse has reached senior years as these therapies may help support both longevity in performance and better health for the horseā€™s organ and musculoskeletal systems.

Pay Attention to Changes in Behavior and Contact Your Veterinarian

Changes in your middle-aged or senior horseā€™s behavior or energy level, even when minor or seemingly unimportant, can be indicators of underlying issues or disease. Exercise intolerance, poor coat condition, weight loss, stiffness, dropping feed, or changes in water intake can indicate that something might be wrong and should be communicated to your veterinarian. The sooner issues are identified, the sooner your horse can receive the right care and ward off serious illnesses.

Periodic preventative care checkups, performed at least bi-annually, can be key to catching age-related conditions and diseases that owners may not notice in their day-to-day care due to gradual onset. Involving your veterinarian in the management of your senior horse will help ensure their health and happiness throughout their golden years.Ā 

Reach out to your Palm Beach Equine Clinic veterinarian for any questions about your horseā€™s health at any age by calling 561-793-1599 to schedule an appointment.

NOTE: These guidelines are only suggestions, and you should always follow the specific instructions from your veterinarian.


BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

BarnManager Horse Health Series: Caring for the Senior Sport Horse

Advances in equine medicine are enabling horses to performĀ longer in their athletic careers than ever before. Together with proper veterinary care, educated owners can offer senior horses a happy and pain-free life as they age into their senior years. Palm Beach Equine Clinic in Wellington, FL, is experienced in helping senior sport horses stay comfortable and competitive.

Horses from the ages of 12 and older are considered ā€œseniors,ā€ but they often compete successfully into their teenage years. Many horses in the prime of their careers may require extra maintenance to continue performing at their best, and advances in veterinary care have helped extend careers. Although maintaining these athletes requires more work by the owner and the veterinarian, preemptive attention to an aging equineā€™s needs may help keep your partner performing longer.

Maintain Top Health Over the Years

There are several areas of care that owners should consider to maintain their horseā€™s top health and ensure continued success. It is important to remember that just as the human body changes with age, the horseā€™s body does the same.

  • Owners shouldĀ contact their veterinarians on a routine basisĀ to have their horseā€™s overall health and fitness evaluated, no matter what the horseā€™s job is.Ā 
  • An appropriateĀ fitness programĀ is imperative to the senior horseā€™s performance. As horses age, it can become increasingly difficult to maintain their fitness. Any exercise that builds your horseā€™s stamina and muscle mass is essential, and the more your horse gets out of its stall and moves around the better. Anything from riding lessons to trail riding, or even hand walking, can be beneficial.Ā 
  • Like any athlete, horses can experience physical setbacks, so it is important to have their gaits evaluated routinely. Veterinarians can suggest appropriate treatments to avoid creating larger issues, whether the horse needs a little assistance with the flexion in their neck or joint injections to ease discomfort.
  • It is important to maintain theĀ senior horseā€™s stall with clean, deep bedding for both comfort and sanitation purposes. The stall should be away from direct sunlight, have fans for effective air movement, and plenty of fresh water to maintain hydration and prevent overheating.

For a more in-depth explanation, clickĀ HEREĀ to read the full article from Palm Beach Equine Clinic.Ā 

NOTE: These guidelines are only suggestions, and you should always follow the specific instructions from your veterinarian.

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

BarnManager Horse Health Series: How Environment Affects Equine Gut Health

Anyone who has equine experience is aware of the very real threat of losing a horse to colic or other gastrointestinal disease. Looking back on the history of equine death causes, colic still holds the same percentage as it did 20 years ago, standing firm as the second highest cause of death behind natural causes. The good news is that veterinarians and researchers have learned a lot in the last decade about the role of the equine gut microbiome on numerous health outcomes, including colic, maldigestion, dysbiosis, and more. Board-certified internal medicine specialist Dr. Peter Heidmann of Palm Beach Equine Clinic, in Wellington, FL, shares some of his extensive knowledge of the equine gut microbiome.

The equine gut microbiome is an ecosystem composed of quadrillions of microbes, including bacteria, fungi, and even viruses that interact and coexist in the gastrointestinal tract and contribute to overall gut health and well-being. In equines, when the microbiome is disrupted in such a way that populations of beneficial bacteria and yeast have declined and/or populations of harmful pathogenic bacteria and yeast have increased, it is not unusual to see colic and colitis, laminitis, and other serious conditions.

Microbiome and Nutrition

ā€œWhen weā€™re working to improve overall gastrointestinal (GI) health, we are basically trying to increase the population of ā€˜good bugsā€™ and crowd out the ā€˜bad bugs,ā€ remarked Dr. Heidmann. The combination of probiotics, prebiotics, and diet are all key factors that influence what happens on the inside of a horseā€™s gut. According to Dr. Heidmann, a well-balanced diet is most important, but the sources of nutrients also play a huge role in promoting gastrointestinal health.

Excessive amounts of starch-rich grains can reduce populations of healthy flora, decrease the types of bacteria that are present in the colon, and also promote overgrowth of unhealthy flora. In turn, overly homogenous populations limit a horseā€™s resilience to stress, dietary changes, and other unpredictable changes such as those in the weather.

Oats and other starch-rich grains cause increases in propionic acid-producing bacteria, while hay-only diets increase acetic acid-producing flora, and therefore promote more diverse and stable populations of beneficial bacteria and yeasts. On the flip side, feeding hay and no grain means the nutrients are being digested much more slowly and will promote more diversity and stability of flora populations.

ā€œAt the same time, some ā€˜goodā€™ bugs are also decreased when a hay-only diet is fed, especially ones thatrely on easy-to-digest starchy grains,ā€ noted Dr. Heidmann. ā€œOne type of organism, the Lachnospiraceae, is among the most prevalent type present in a healthy horseā€™s hindgut, and its population also diminishes when grain is not being fed.ā€

Ultimately, some easily digestible concentrate feeds promote healthy bacterial populations and release lots of energy quickly, yet it is fairly easy and risky to over-do the easily digestible feed. Not only do abrupt changes in diet increase the risk of upsetting a horseā€™s healthy microbiome, but feeds that are high in carbohydrates can also promote gas formation, lactic acidosis, and other types of colic. ā€œSimply put, garbage in equals garbage out,ā€ Dr. Heidmann explained.

Other Microbiome StressorsĀ 

Aside from what goes into the horse, other factors can determine the behavior of the microbiome and the overall functionality of the gut. Genetic makeup almost certainly plays a role in the way organisms manage the nutrients going in and, in turn, impacts the horse. Stress is another significant factor that has a relationship with the gut, though it remains difficult to draw clear lines of ā€œcause and effectā€ when studying all the ways stress affects a horseā€™s gut health.

It is common knowledge among trainers that horses with anxious, ā€œstressed-outā€ personalities seem prone to developing stomach ulcers. Separate from stress caused by riding, changes in surroundings, or even changing stablemates can make a difference in the organisms in a horseā€™s gut.Ā  Even when the feeding program remains consistent, a change in workload or their neighboring stall-mate invites stress and can promote ulcers.

ā€œThe relationship between stress and gut health isnā€™t as simple as a cause-and-effect relationship, where stress leads to a direct change in the behavior of the bugs, or where a change in flora directly increases a horseā€™s stress levels,ā€ explained Dr. Heidmann. ā€œIt is a complex, dynamic interaction; itā€™s a constant feedback loop.ā€

It is difficult enough to separate cause from effect when looking at the relationships between gastrointestinal flora and factors like diet, exercise, pre-and probiotics, or supplemental digestive enzymes. Explaining the relationship between a horseā€™s behavior and their GI flora is inherently subjective, and therefore even more difficult to confirm.Ā 

Still More To Learn

Veterinary science and research still have a long way to go to draw firm associations between illness and the microbiome. According to Dr. Heidmann, ā€œItā€™s not known yet if the disease is the cause of the change in microbiome flora or if it is the result of a change in the flora, but for sure there is a strong relationship between these things. For now, we donā€™t yet know if the horse has an unusual balance of organisms because of its problems with chronic colic, or if it is the reverse: that the colic is rooted in an unusual balance of GI organisms.ā€

In the interim, a consistent regime of diet and exercise, where the workload is tailored to the horseā€™s skillset and stage of training, remains the best way to minimize risk and promote healthy GI flora. ā€œPrebiotics and probiotics and other micronutrients are sometimes necessary,ā€ said Dr. Heidmann, ā€œbut the most important things remain hay and sunshine, water and exercise, and consistency most of all.ā€

For a more in-depth explanation of how the environment affects horsesā€™ gut health, clickĀ HEREĀ to read the full article from Palm Beach Equine Clinic.Ā 

NOTE: These guidelines are only suggestions, and you should always follow the specific instructions from your veterinarian.

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!


BarnManager Horse Health Series: Shipping Fever


Shipping fever is a respiratory disease complex associated with the transport of horses. This is a common problem horse owners should be aware of, especially if your horse is shipping south for the winter.Ā Dr. Ryan Lukens of Palm Beach Equine Clinic in Wellington, FL, discusses the symptoms, treatments, and ways to prevent shipping fever in horses.

Causes of Shipping Fever

A common scenario for shipping fever is when a horse is transported from its barn to another state to attend a show. The horse may be healthy and well-hydrated before entering the trailer, but the stress of travel can weaken the immune system. Another leading factor is tying a horseā€™s head up while trailering long distances. The mucociliary apparatus of the trachea, which clears dirt and debris from the lower airway, is interrupted due to dehydration, a change in temperature, and the inability of the horse to lower its head. The introduction of foreign material into the lower airway can lead to pneumonia, fluid in the pleural cavity (surrounding the lungs), and associated respiratory distress.

Signs and Symptoms To Watch For

Common symptoms noted are hyperventilation, increased rectal temperature, coughing, and nasal discharge after travel. The horse may seem depressed, not willing to work, and not interested in food or water. It is important to call the vet immediately if any of these symptoms are observed after a horse travels. The faster an infection in the lower airway is treated, the quicker and more likely the horse can recover. Shipping fever, if left untreated, can lead to severe pleuropneumonia, which can be life-threatening.

Treatment of Shipping Fever

Initial treatment includes antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, and hydration.Ā If pneumonia progresses without treatment, surgery may be indicated, which can include removal of a rib and placement of chest drains (to drain fluid around the lungs).Ā The vet should be called, and it is crucial to begin treatment at the earliest sign.

Prevention of Shipping Fever

There are several preemptive steps that can be implemented to reduce the risk of a horse developing respiratory disease related to travel:

  1. Split up long trailer rides over several days. Also, be sure to take breaks and let horses out of the trailer at least every 6-8 hours, if possible.Ā 
  2. Ensure the horse is properly hydrated before travel.Ā Common preventative practice includes the administration of oral or IV fluids by a veterinarian prior to travel.Ā 
  3. Discontinue any immunosuppressant drugs 48 hours prior to travel.Ā This includes steroids such as dexamethasone.Ā 
  4. Ship horses in a box stall or similar enclosure so their heads do not have to be tied during travel.Ā 
  5. Ask a veterinarian about immunostimulant drugs that can be given prior to travel.


The most important step is to contact your veterinarian immediately if your horse shows signs or symptoms of shipping fever.

For a more in-depth explanation of shipping fever, clickĀ HEREĀ to read the full article from Palm Beach Equine Clinic.

NOTE: These guidelines are only suggestions, and you should always follow the specific instructions from your veterinarian.

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BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

BarnManagerā€™s Favorite Equestrian Fall Activities

Fall is a beautiful time of year to spend outside and at the barn with your horse. The temperatures are not too hot but not too cold and the leaves on the trees are picture-perfect. Take advantage of this wonderful season by trying out some of BarnManagerā€™s favorite fall activities.

Plan a Photoshoot

All equestrians want a stunning photo of their horse with fall foliage in the background. Choose a nice fall afternoon to stage a photoshoot with your horse and maybe even some of your barn buddies. Hiring a professional photographer is a great option to get your perfect fall shots. If you are on a budget and do not have professional equipment, iPhones can take quality photos with proper editing. This is a fun activity to do with friends so you can take turns taking pictures or do a couple of group photos.

Enjoy a Trail Ride

Take advantage of the nice weather and enjoy the fall colors by planning a trail ride. This is a fun activity to do in a group. If you decide to trail ride outside your own farm property, make sure you are wearing high-visibility clothing because it may be hunting season. It is also a nice opportunity for the horses to enjoy time outside of the arena, especially if you will be riding in an indoor all winter.

Enter a Costume Class

What is the fun of fall without picking out a Halloween costume? This year, consider coming up with a costume for both you and your horse. Dressing up with your horse can be a fun activity whether you are attending a Halloween-themed horse show or just dressing up with your barn family.

Click HERE for BarnManagerā€™s favorite Halloween costume ideas!

Make Fall-Themed Horse Cookies

Everyone loves pumpkin spice-flavored goodies and fall comfort food, including horses. Plan a weekend afternoon to make your own fall-themed horse cookies. This is a great activity to do at a gathering at someoneā€™s house or even at the barn if you have the appliances.

Click HERE for a list of BarnManagerā€™s favorite recipes for fall-themed horse treats!

Organize a Live Stream Night

Instead of planning a movie night this fall, gather a group of barn friends for an evening of watching live streams. The fall includes several prestigious horse shows and finals with night classes that you will not want to miss. Order a pizza and get a few snacks to eat while you and your friends enjoy top competition. Donā€™t forget that many streaming services also offer on-demand viewing so you can catch up on big events you may have missed. If you want to mix it up a little, consider watching a Masterclass or a Barn Talk from Horse & Country to learn new tips and tricks from top equestrians.

Click HERE for a list of must-watch live streams for this fall!

Attend a Haunted Hayride

Although this activity may not be directly related to horses, it is still something fun to do as a group. Look for the haunted hayrides in your area and gather your barn family for a fun night. You can also plan a group dinner before or after the hayride for more team bonding.

Try out a few of the activities on BarnManagerā€™s list to ensure you are enjoying fall to the fullest before the winter weather comes.

Have questions about utilizing BarnManager or want to give it a try for yourself? Request a live demo here!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

BarnManager Q&A With: Nichola Oā€™Donovan

BarnManager Q&A With: Nichola Oā€™Donovan

Nichola Oā€™Donovan, manager for young show jumping athlete Hallie Grimes of Can We Keep It? LLC based out of Wellington, FL, and North Salem, NY

What are three things that are always in your ring bag and why?

Picking only three things is difficult, but the first thing I always like to have is a hole punch so we can make adjustments, even though sometimes the hole punch likes to grow legs and walk out of the bag. The second item is vet wrap in case of an emergency at the ring like an overreach. The last thing is a bag of cookies because itā€™s nice to let the ponies know when theyā€™ve been good.

Whatā€™s something you learned early in your career that has stuck with you?

I wouldnā€™t necessarily say this came to me early in my career ā€“ it took me a while to realize it ā€“ but one thing Iā€™ve learned is that because we work with many people from many backgrounds in this industry itā€™s important to remember that not everyone will do things the same way you do. This does not mean they are doing it wrong; it just means there are many ways to do the same thing. You can always learn a new way of doing something if you just take a minute.

What is your best tip for staying organized during a busy show day?

Photo courtesy of Nichola O’Donovan

On a day when I know Iā€™m going to be busy, I make sure I start my morning with enough time. Having chores done before the horses get exercised is a big help. Whenever there are an extra five minutes, I like to clean the tack that is done being used. There is nothing worse than turning around at 5 p.m. and seeing a huge pile of tack to clean.

What is one horse show you have never been to but would love to attend?

Iā€™ve been very lucky and have ticked nearly all shows and goals off of my list. I have never done a World Cup Final so that is top of the list now. My favorite locations are London, Dublin, and Rome. Any shows in those locations make me excited.

Mares, geldings, or stallions? Why?

Iā€™ve had a quirky bunch of all three over the years, and none were easy to bond with in the beginning. I honestly cannot pick one. If they get your trust and bond with you, they will give you their whole heart. Iā€™ve had a gelding and two stallions that really knew I was their person and that was something special.

If you were a horse, what would you be and why?

I would probably be a feisty companion pony. I wouldnā€™t be open to a herd of friends but would be very loyal to a few.

Have questions about utilizing BarnManager or want to give it a try for yourself? Request a live demo here!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

Protecting Your Horse Against West Nile Virus

By Glenye Cain Oakford

BarnManager is the Official Barn Management Software of US Equestrian.

Itā€™s been a rollercoaster year for weather in the United States, with record-breaking heatwaves, dirt-cracking drought, and flooding rainfalls. That pattern hasnā€™t only been a trial for average citizens and livestock owners ā€” itā€™s also setting the stage for a potentially larger and longer season for West Nile virus, experts say. There are things you can do to reduce the risk to your horses, including eliminating standing, stagnant water sources where mosquitoes carrying West Nile virus breed. But the best way to protect your horses from West Nile virus is even simpler: vaccinate them against it.

US Equestrian talked to Kevin Hankins, DVM, MBA, Managing Equine Veterinarian for Zoetis Animal Health, for insights about this yearā€™s West Nile virus outlook, how the vaccine works, and the effects of the virus on unvaccinated horses.

Why is this year going to be a potentially bad year for West Nile virus in horses?

When we look back historically over West Nile virus outbreaks, whether it’s in the United States or in Europe, a common pattern we see is an extended drought period that’s followed by rain. An ambient temperature of 86 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal for replication of the mosquito and replication of the virus in the mosquitoes. What happens during drought conditions ā€” which is counter-intuitive to what people think about mosquitoes and lots of rain ā€” is that those bodies of water become stagnant and smaller, which makes them easier to heat up. That makes them ideal breeding conditions for mosquitoes. And it makes them have ideal conditions for that virus to replicate within those mosquitoes.

Photo Courtesy of Karin Belgrave/Zoetis Equine

When you get these small bodies of water, lots of virus replication, and lots of mosquito replication and then a big rain comes, it takes all the small, infected mosquito pools and spreads them out all over the place. So now you have infected mosquitoes that are more widespread and able to start their own breeding pools in other places while the temperature is still high. These factors come together to create ideal circumstances for the spread of the virus and for infections.

This year, weather conditions in many places are setting up perfectly for not only an early season, but maybe even an extended season of West Nile, as well as a higher number of mosquitoes carrying the virus.

When is the typical timeframe for West Nile virus season?

Traditionally, in most of the country, the highest number of cases start occurring in August, especially in the Midwest, where the season will go through October. In other parts of the country, like Florida and the rest of the Southeast, the West Nile virus season can extend all year.

What weā€™ve seen so far this year is an earlier occurrence; we saw some West Nile virus cases in some parts of the U.S. starting in June. In the Midwest, we started seeing cases in July instead of August this year. We worry about the length of the season because the longer it stays warm the longer the West Nile virus season can extend. But I worry more about the number of infected mosquitoes because that increases the odds of a horse or human being bitten by one that is infected. There was a study, I believe at Texas A&M, showing that a horse near an infected mosquito pool can be bitten up to 5,000 times an hour. The chances of an unvaccinated horse in this kind of situation contracting West Nile virus are astronomical; it would be crazy to think they werenā€™t going to get it.

Continue reading US Equestrian for more information about protecting your horse against West Nile Virus.

Have questions about utilizing BarnManager or want to give it a try for yourself? Request a live demo here!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

BarnManager Horse Health Series: Management of Thrush, Rainrot, and Scratches

Thrush, rainrot, and scratches are problems that most equestrians have encountered. While different in their presentation, thrush, rainrot, and scratches have a lot in common. These issues can arise due to environmental factors or predisposing conditions, but there are ways to treat or help prevent them with proper care and management. Dr. Bryan Dubynsky of Palm Beach Equine Clinic in Wellington, FL, shared his expertise on the causes, treatment, and prevention of each of these conditions.


Thrush is an infection within the horseā€™s hoof most commonly caused by bacteria that invade the deep clefts or grooves (known as sulci) of the frog. Fusobacterium Necrophorum is the common bacterial culprit, which naturally occurs in the environment, especially in wet, muddy, or unsanitary areas. Thrush bacteria thrive where there is a lack of oxygen.

Some horses are predisposed to developing thrush due to conformation, such as a rather high heel or deep sulci, or a narrow or contracted heel. The bacteria will manifest in hooves that are not picked out regularly, or if a horse stands in muddy, wet environments, including paddocks or stalls that have not been cleaned properly. Typically, thrush can be identified first by the odor. The frog will have a strong, rotten smell. Visually, the frog becomes spongy and can even exudate (ooze) pus.

Treatment for thrush is fairly simple because it is very sensitive to oxygen. Begin by having your vet or farrier trim or debride the frog, removing damaged tissue and exposing affected areas to the air. Applying a common detergent to the thrush areas, such as Betadine or any commercial thrush product (Thrush Buster, Coppertox, etc.) will help kill the bacteria. Most importantly, remove the horse from the predisposing environmental factors, otherwise treatments may be ineffective.


Rainrot is caused by a naturally occurring bacteria named Dermotophilus, which produces spores. The condition is recognized as scabby, scaly, crusty spots on areas of the horse that have been exposed to rain. It is commonly seen on the neck or across the back (dorsum). Rainrot is not typically apparent on the legs or under the belly. A surplus of rain on the skin washes away the natural protective oils. Once the skin is stripped of its natural protective layer or any sort of trauma to the skin barrier occurs ā€“ Ā which can be as simple as an insect bite ā€“ the Dermotophilus spores are able to invade the deeper dermis skin layers. The body then reacts by sending white blood cells and proteins to fight the invaders.

This reactive response causes small pustules, scabs, and bumps to form. Similar to thrush, rainrot is an environmental issue. It is most commonly seen in warm areas with high humidity, excess rain, and insects. The most important prevention tactic is to keep horses out of prolonged periods of rain. A horse can be out in the rain for short periods of a day or two, but if it is constantly in hot and rainy conditions with biting insects, the horse will more than likely develop rainrot.

Dr. Dubynsky emphasizes that topical remedies are only effective if the horse is also removed from the environmental factors. Using a keratolytic agent (something that exfoliates keratin), such as benzoyl peroxide or an antibacterial shampoo, will help the skin heal. He also cautions against picking off any scabs, which could leave the underlying skin vulnerable to additional invading bacteria. The most important tip for healing is to keep the area dry.


Scratches is a generic term for many different ailments. The definition of scratches can be a bacterial, fungal, or viral dermatitis or inflammatory condition of the pastern or fetlock.

There are predisposing factors for scratches, including the same environmental issues that cause thrush or rainrot. Horses that have an excess amount of hair on their legs, especially draft horses, may be more prone to developing scratches because the hair traps dirt and moisture on the skin. Scratches can develop in horses that are bathed too often, such as intensely managed show horses. Frequent bathing can strip away the natural protective oils and barrier of the dermis allowing bacteria or fungi to invade. When moisture penetrates the skin, it causes an inflammatory reaction. This presents as heat, redness, pain, and loss of protection against bacteria.

The most effective first step for prevention and treatment of scratches is to eliminate environmental predisposing factors. Removing excess hair during humid months and keeping horses clean and dry will reduce the probability of developing an infection. Bathing horses once a day with Betadine or antifungal/antibacterial shampoo will help clear the infection. Leave the shampoo on for 20 minutes so the medicine can penetrate. Rinse thoroughly and make sure to dry the horse completely. In order to effectively treat the bacteria, horses, especially their legs, should be completely towel- or air-dried before being returned to their stalls or paddocks.

As always, contact your veterinarian immediately if there appears to be a deeper infection present, or if you would like more detailed information on how to treat and prevent these infections.

For a more in-depth explanation of horse hoof health, click HERE to read the full article from Palm Beach Equine Clinic.

NOTE: These guidelines are only suggestions, and you should always follow the specific instructions from your veterinarian.

Have questions about utilizing BarnManager or want to give it a try for yourself? Request a live demo here!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

BarnManagerā€™s Favorite Equestrian Athletes on Instagram

Equestrian athletes live exciting lives so it is always fun to follow along with them on Instagram to keep up with their busy schedules. The most entertaining accounts include riders who post additional content besides competition photos such as behind-the-scenes looks at their farms, training tips, their go-to brands, and family photos. Continue reading for a list of BarnManagerā€™s favorite equestrian athletes to follow on Instagram.


Edwina Tops-Alexander

Edwina Tops-Alexander is an Australian Olympic show jumping athlete. In addition to competition highlights, her Instagram features posts about training exercises, traveling with her family, her favorite jewelry and clothing, and more.


Georgina Bloomberg

In addition to being a top United States show jumping athlete, Georgina Bloomberg is an author, animal activist, and mother. Georgina shares a variety of posts including her world travels, special moments with her son, her rescue dogs, and fun shots from her Global Champions League team New York Empire showing on the Longines Global Champions Tour circuit.


Anna Buffini

Anna Buffini is an up-and-coming United States dressage rider. On her Instagram, Anna shares memorablemoments with her top mount FRH Davinia la Douce, her go-to fitness routines at the gym, videos of her training her horses at home, and horse show highlights.


Karl Cook

Karl Cook is a United States show jumping athlete based in California. Karl is known for his ā€œWalking and Talkingā€ videos, which feature him reviewing his competition rounds, sharing his opinions and insights, what he has learned throughout his career, and discussing topics related to the equestrian world.


Archie Cox

Archie Cox is a respected hunter, jumper, and equitation trainer who has taught many of the nationā€™s top horses and riders. Archieā€™s Instagram features fun throwback photos of his own competition days, horsemanship and riding tips, proud trainer moments, and inspirational quotes.


Cathrine Dufour

Cathrine Dufour is a Danish Olympic dressage rider. Cathrine shares posts from her travels, what she is working on while training at home, fun shots around the barn, and more.


Double H Farm

At Double H Farm, owned by the Harrison Family, professional rider Quentin Judge provides hunter, jumper, and equitation training. The barnā€™s Instagram account shares competition highlights, photos of Quentinā€™s kids around the barn, fun candid and team shots, throwback videos and photos of their top horses competing, and more.


Boyd Martin

Boyd Martin is an Olympic eventing athlete for the United States. On his Instagram, Boyd shares photos of his family, competition reels, scenes from the course walk and jog at horse shows, and videos of him training at home.


Lauren Sprieser

Lauren Sprieser is a dressage rider from the United States. Her Instagram is a combination of training photos, #TipTuesday posts, and competition shots.


Jessica Springsteen

Jessica Springsteen is an Olympic show jumping athlete from the United States. Jessicaā€™s Instagram includes impressive competition highlights from horse shows around the world, cute behind-the-scenes shots at the barn, photos of the Tommy Hilfiger Equestrian line, and more.